Aavegotchi Community Update #11

4 min readOct 2, 2020


This week saw Aalpha leaks galore as more people are coming to understand what Aavegotchi is all about. Pour some tea frens and and enjoy this big brain community update!

This Week’s Updates Include:

  • Announcing Uniswap LP staking
  • Bug Bounty for GHST staking
  • OKex Nominates GHST
  • Gotchi Memes invade Reddit
  • Aaround the Block

Announcing Uniswap LP staking of GHST

“Show me the incentives, and I’ll show you the outcome.”

After launching GHST staking on Kovan, we got quick feedback from several community members who were worried they’d have to choose between staking GHST to earn FRENS, and being liquidity providers on Uniswap.

We don’t want to force users to choose between providing liquidity on Uniswap and making FRENS via GHST staking. That’s why we’re very excited to announce:

Now you can stake your GHST-ETH Uniswap LP tokens to earn FRENS rewards, just like normal GHST!

We did the math for you, so you’ll be getting the same amount of FRENS staking LP tokens as you would for staking plain ol’ GHST.

EDIT (10/7/2020): The staking reward for GHST-ETH LP tokens has been set to a fixed rate of 1 LP Token = 100 FRENS.

It’s live on Kovan now, and there’s even a Uniswap pool on Kovan where you can test. Just search for this address on Uniswap: 0xeDaA788Ee96a0749a2De48738f5dF0AA88E99ab5

Wen Mainnet? Keep reading…

Staking Contract BUG BOUNTY

We love seeing the Aavegotchi community coming forward en masse and helping us battle test our staking mechanism on Kovan testnet. So far we’ve had millions of kGHST staked and tens of millions of kFRENS farmed without any incidents yet discovered. But the bar for releasing new smart contracts on Mainnet needs to be higher. After all, there’s not much excitement in stealing testnet money…

That’s why today we’re announcing a 10,000 DAI bug bounty! We’re calling on all top notch Solidity developers to put our staking contracts under the microscope.

Between October 2 and 8, anyone who finds a compromising fault that could lead to funds being lost or contracts being frozen in our Staking smart contracts will earn themselves a cool 10,000 DAI. We’re very confident in our work, but believe incentivizing the wider Ethereum community to examine our contracts is the right thing to do.

As long as the bug bounty completes without incident, we’ll launch GHST staking on Mainnet swiftly thereafter.

OKex Nominates GHST

This week anyone depositing GHST on OKex.com will be helping signal support for listing GHST on their platform. OKex is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world with a massive community, especially in Asian markets.

If you’re interested in seeing GHST launched on OKex, make sure to take a few moments and deposit your GHST there. You’ll be able to again withdraw anytime following the conclusion of the deposit voting period.

Read more at: https://www.okex.com/support/hc/en-us/articles/360049851472

Gotchi Memes invade Reddit

Aagent Mission #8 is heating up with just under a week remaining. Earn your Mission badge by joining our Discord and sharing your own meme as posted on our newly launched subreddit r/Aavegotchi. The top three upvoted memes will receive GHST prizes of 300, 200, and 100 GHST respectively, so get creative!

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Aaround the Block: Last Week’s Media Appearances

Happy October!

That’s it for this week’s community update.

Stay spooky, fam!
Aavegotchi team




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