Aavegotchi Community Update #7
Hai frens! It’s been another action-packed week at Aavegotchi HQ. Check out the highlights then keep reading to receive this week’s Mission!
- Announcement: Aavegotchi AMA on Sept. 1
- Nick Mudge joins Summoning Team as Solidity Lead
- Winners of Mission 4 announced
- New mission: Ask Me Aagent
- AALPHA Leak: Calling all testers
- Aaround the Web: Aavegotchi mentioned by several major news crypto news outlets
Upcoming AMA on Sept. 1
The Aavegotchi team will be holding our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Sept. 1 at 11PM SGT / 11AM EST in the official Aavegotchi Fam Telegram.
Join us to participate and get your burning Aavegotchi questions answered by the Aavegotchi Summoning team.
Nick Mudge joins Summoning Team as Solidity Lead
Back in Update #2 we announced that Nick Mudge, author of the Diamond Standard and co-author of the ERC 998 Composables standard had agreed to become an advisor to Aavegotchi.
Turns out, that was only the beginning…
As Nick learned more about Aavegotchi, as he delved deeper into the rabbit hole, something stirred inside him, a powerful urge to help build the portals that will summon the Aavegotchis.
We are excited to announce that Nick has taken and digested the Aavegotchipill, and will join our core Summoning Team as Solidity Lead.
Winners of Mission 4 announced
In last week’s Mission “Based and Brightest”, we asked our Aavegotchi Aagents of Aavesome to engage in a campaign of relentless shilling on Twitter.
You didn’t disappoint, fam…
As of this post, there were over 90 RT+comments that fulfilled the Mission requirements. As promised, we’ve selected our favorite three. The authors will receive FREE Aagent headset wearables when Aavegotchi launches on Mainnet.
The winners are…
And honorable mention goes to…
Congratulations, Aagents, and keep on shilling.
New mission: AMA (Ask Me Aagent)
If you could only ask one question about Aavegotchi, what would it be?
hint: wen moon sir? doesn’t count…
Here’s your chance, Aagent! Compose a question you have about Aavegotchi, and we’ll do our best to answer it, either in the upcoming AMA or in the Discord chat.
This week’s Mission, if you choose to accept it:
- Join the official Aavegotchi Fam Telegram group
- Post a thoughtful question about Aavegotchi in the Telegram group for the upcoming AMA
- Screenshot your question and post it to the #mission-report5❓ channel in the Aavegotchi Discord to claim your Aagent Level Up.
- (Optional) Use the 👻 emoji to upvote your favorite questions in the #mission-report5❓ channel. The Top 5 voted questions will be answered by the Aavegotchi Team during the AMA (among others, ofc).
Good luck, Aavegotchi Aagent!
(This message will not self-destruct in thirty seconds!)
Attention Aagents, it’s testing time! The Aavegotchi token bonding curve dapp will be launching soon, and this week we’ll creating a special channel in the Aavegotchi Discord for feedback.
As promised, high-ranking Aagents will have priority access to testing, so make sure you level up this week to get access to the new #aagent-testers channel, and the exclusive TESTER role!
Aaround the Web: Aavegotchi mentioned by several major crypto news outlets
Aavegotchi scored mentions in multiple major crypto news outlets this week. Aavesome!
DappRadar: https://dappradar.com/blog/aave-is-launching-its-aavegotchi-game
链闻ChainNews (Chinese): https://www.chainnews.com/articles/383427254304.htm
Ivan On Tech: https://youtu.be/Itqr0S-aiTk?t=2089
If you’re a media outlet doing a piece on Aavegotchi, please contact Dan or Jesse to get the most accurate information.
All right, that’s it for this week’s community update!
Stay spooky fam,
Aavegotchi team