Layer2 LFG! Raffle #4 Details Announced

It’s been a wild ride, but we’ve finally made it! Our Aavegotchi frens have arrived on Polygon, clothed in the finest garb from the Aavegotchi Maall and previous three Raffles.
Speaking of Raffles…we hope you’ve been Staking GHST and Making FRENS, because Raffle 4 is finally upon us!
Raffle 4 will open on March 29, 2021 at 10PM SGT (10am EST) and, like previous Raffles, there will be a 72 hour window to enter your tickets into the Raffle contract. On April 1, 2021, we’ll be engaging the Chainlink VRF on Polygon to spin the wheel and determine the winners!
Win It, Wear It
Unlike previous Raffles, in Raffle 4 you won’t be winning Wearable Vouchers. You’ll be winning real Wearables that can be immediately equipped and worn by your Aavegotchis.
(First time participating in a Raffle? Read this blog post explaining GHST staking!)
Now let’s see all the prizes up for grabs:

But first, a word on Wearables and Trait Modifiers
Each item modifies at least one of an Aavegotchi’s four personality traits:
- Energy
- Aggression
- Spookiness
- Brain size
Because traits exist on a bell curve, you may want your traits to slide in either more positive or more negative directions. It’s the common middle that is to be avoided whereas extremely rare traits on either side of the spectrum increase your Rarity Score! Visit the Aavegotchi Wiki to learn more.
Full Breakdown: Raffle 4 Wearables + Trait Modifiers

Snapshot Set
Every GHST counts
- COMMON: Vote Sign (1000) -1 AGG
- UNCOMMON: Snapshot Shirt (500) -2 AGG
- RARE: Snapshot Cap (250) -3 AGG
TOTAL: 1750 pieces
Polygon Set
Ready Layer Two
- COMMON: L2 Sign (1000) +1 BRN
- UNCOMMON: Polygon Shirt (500) +2 BRN
- RARE: Polygon Cap (250) -1 AGG, +2 BRN
TOTAL: 1750 pieces
Quickswap Set
Enter the dragon’s lair
- COMMON: Fireball (1000) +1 AGG
- UNCOMMON: Dragon Horns (500) +1 AGG, +1 SPK
- RARE: Dragon Wings (250) +2 AGG, +1 SPK
- LEGENDARY: Pointy Horns (100) +2 AGG, +2 SPK
TOTAL: 1850 pieces
Gotchi Princess
Legend says she stole a bag of $QUICK from the Dragon that tried to kidnap her.
- COMMON: Elf Ears (1000) -1 SPK
- UNCOMMON: Gemstone Ring (500) -1 SPK, +1 BRN
- RARE: Princess Tiara (250) -2 SPK, +1 BRN
- LEGENDARY: Gold Necklace (100) +2 NRG, +2 AGG
- MYTHICAL: Princess Hair (50) -3 SPK, +2 BRN
- GODLIKE: Goldi Locks (5) -4 SPK, +2 BRN
TOTAL: 1905 pieces
Gotchi Lord
Magnanimous, imposing, a true Patron of Polygon.
- COMMON: The Imperial Moustache (1000) -1 NRG
- UNCOMMON: Tiny Crown (500) -1 NRG, -1 BRN
- RARE: Royal Scepter (250) -2 NRG, -1 BRN
- LEGENDARY: Royal Crown (100) -2 NRG, -2 BRN
- MYTHICAL: Royal Robes (50) -3 NRG, -2 BRN
TOTAL: 1900 pieces
…and introducing for the first time…
Rofl the Frog
The trusted smol brain pet of the Gotchi Lord. Rumored to have hidden powers that may one day be unlocked…
- COMMON: Common Rofl (1000) -1 BRN
- UNCOMMON: Uncommon Rofl (500) -1 NRG, -1 BRN
- RARE: Rare Rofl (250) -1 NRG, -2 BRN
- LEGENDARY: Legendary Rofl (100) -2 NRG, -2 BRN
- MYTHICAL: Mythical Rofl (50) -2 NRG, -3 BRN
- GODLIKE: Royal Rofl (5) -3 NRG, -3 BRN
TOTAL: 1905
Will be revealed before the Raffle begins!
- UNCOMMON: ??? (250 in raffle) +1 NRG, +1 AGG
- RARE: ??? (125 in raffle) +1 NRG, +2 AGG
- LEGENDARY: ??? (50 in raffle) +3 AGG, +1 SPK
- MYTHICAL: ??? (25 in raffle) +5 NRG
- GODLIKE: ??? (3 in raffle) +4 NRG, +2 AGG
TOTAL: 452
1850 + 1750 + 1750 + 1905 + 1900 + 1905 + 452 = 11,512 pieces
Our biggest Raffle yet!

Frequently Aasked Questions
Q: What am I actually winning?
A: You’re winning an ERC1155 wearable that can be equipped by your Aavegotchi on Polygon. It can also be traded freely in the Aavegotchi Baazaar.
Q: How do I participate?
A: To participate in this Layer 2-themed March. 29–April 1 Raffle, you’ll need to stake your Tickets into the Raffle contract before April 1. Each Ticket is eligible to win a prize equivalent to its rarity level.
For example:
Aalice stakes 100 Common tickets. She is eligible to win up to 100 Common prizes listed above.
Bob, however, accumulates enough FRENS to purchase 10 Godlike tickets. He stakes all 10 Godlike tickets, which makes him eligible for up to 10 Godlike prizes.
Will he win them all? Probably not, because Caasper staked 100 Godlike tickets. Bob’s odds are in direct proportion to how many prizes are available and how many other tickets of the same rarity level have been staked.
Q: How do I claim my prize?
A: Once the Raffle is completed, winnings can be claimed from the Raffle Claim page. Log onto Aavegotchi to see if and what you won!
Q: Am I guaranteed to win something?
A: Unlike other NFT mining games that give guaranteed, fixed rewards, we opted to use a lottery system. Why? Because it gives even small stakers a chance to win the rarest prizes.
In our first Raffle, one lucky participant won a Godlike LINK Cube with just a single Godlike ticket! Miracles do happen, frens.
That being said, with over 5,700 prizes being raffled, there’s a fair probability that most stakers will be able to win something, if they allocate their tickets properly.
Q: How many more Raffles will there be?
A: Raffles are spontaneous events that happen without much warning. To ensure you are prepared for the next Raffle, keep staking your GHST to continue earn FRENS!
We believe loyalty should be rewarded, therefore those who continually stake their GHST long term will reap the benefits, so keep staking to make FRENS!
Q: How do I participate?
A: Head to to begin staking GHST to earn FRENS. Then convert your FRENS into Tickets to enter into the Raffle on March 29 — April 1.
Good luck, fren! \(^o^)/~
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