The First NFT Wallet on Polygon is… Aavegotchi!

5 min readMay 3, 2021


NFT Badges, Wearables, GHST tokens and more can soon be deposited into your Gotchi fren!

You’ve probably heard that Aavegotchis are 100% on-chain NFTs, and that by some sort of blockchain wizardry, they can also hold other NFTs as well.

But did you know that Aavegotchis can also act as NFT wallets, holding unlimited amounts of ERC20 collaterals, such as GHST, MATIC, AAVE, and others?

That’s right, each Aavegotchi has its own escrow contract that allows it to accept deposits of any ERC20. Dubbed the “Gotchi Pocket,” this NFT wallet will soon go live with an upgrade that enables ERC20 withdrawals. (Currently, it only supports depositing and withdrawing one type of ERC20, its “spirit force” token).

The conclusion of Round 1 of Rarity Farming is the perfect event to introduce the Aavegotchi-as-a-wallet. During Rarity Farming, the top 5000 Aavegotchis in each of the three categories will be harvesting GHST tokens (to the tune of nearly 500,000 USD value for just this first round!). These GHST will not be delivered to the owner’s address. Instead, the GHST earnings will be deposited directly to the rightful owner of the rewards: the Aavegotchi itself!

To commemorate certain Aavegotchis’ exemplary performance, we’ll also be making use of another less-known but extremely crucial part of the Aavegotchi — its ability to hold non-transferable ERC1155 NFTs, known colloquially as “Baadges”.

Any gotchi ranking in the Top 100 across any of the three categories (rarity, kinship and XP) will receive a commemorative badge in addition to its GHST reward. This NFT badge is non-transferable, meaning it will be delivered to a particular Aavegotchi’s pocket and then reside there forever.

Aavegotchi badges are the NFTs one can’t buy, but must earn. The non-transferable element is a critical piece of the puzzle that contributes to the uniquely evolving nature of each Aavegotchi. Metadata includes a badge’s on-chain visuals, title and a detailed description of what’s being commemorated. Personal history captured on-chain, forever.

Rarity Farming Round 1 Baadges

Specifically, there are six types of badges that will be distributed during the May 4th conclusion of Round 1:

  • Rarity Top 10
  • Rarity Top 100
  • Kinship Top 10
  • Kinship Top 100
  • XP Top 10
  • XP Top 100

Note, if your Aavegotchi is so impressive as to earn a “Rarity Top 10” badge, it will not also earn a “Top 100”. You’re already winning and there’s no need to rub it in fren.

Understand that if your gotchis are ranking anywhere around the 10th or 100th positions there will be a battle happening these next 24 hours. Best of luck to all gotchis competing for these historic inaugural badges!

More than just an NFT

The Gotchi Pocket and its non-transferable badges may initially appear very simple in nature, and yet, the potential they unlock is mind-boggling. Unlike the majority of NFTs trading today, Aavegotchis, their wearables, their spirit force and now their badges, are all stored 100% on-chain. This means these NFTs are built for longevity. Now, consider the escrow contracts (NFT wallet) and the badges (non-transferable identity legos) and the implications become obvious: Aavegotchis are leading the charge toward the realization of pseudo-anonymous web3 avatars.

These badges are identity markers for milestones and accomplishments throughout your own personal Aavegotchi’s life. Did your Aavegotchi…

  • participate in a major DAO vote? Badge!
  • break a mini-game’s record score? Badge!
  • volunteer at an event? Badge!

These badges are not limited to Aavegotchi dapp experiences. Having a badged up Aavegotchi in your wallet may prove your standing in adjacent crypto communities…

  • Repay a loan on Aave? Badge!
  • Donate to charity? Badge!
  • Provide liquidity on our fren’s protocol? Badge!

100% on-chain avatars + NFT wallet + non-transferable immutability = Aavegotchi web3 avatars

It’s even more mind blowing upon the realization that your Aavegotchi’s life will, all things considered, likely out last us mere mortals. At Pixelcraft, we’re not just designing NFTs as access keys for the sake of using them as access keys; we are leveraging the best aspects of NFTs and blockchain to deliver a Web3 avatar that can have true personal meaning and history.

About Aavegotchi

Aavegotchis are on-chain collectible ghosts staked with Aave’s interest-generating aTokens (known as maTokens on layer 2).

Compete for player rewards by earning XP, leveling up, and increasing the rarity of your Aavegotchi fren. Aavegotchi is governed by the AavegotchiDAO via the native eco-governance token GHST. Summon your first Aavegotchi and join the future of DeFi-staked NFT avatars! | Discord | Wiki | Medium | Twitter | | Telegram | Reddit

About Pixelcraft Studios

Pixelcraft Studios is the leading game development team committed to gaming with true ownership. We achieve this by leveraging blockchain technology to the benefit of the gamer.

Our flagship title is Aavegotchi, the groundbreaking DeFi x NFT crypto pets experience where participants have complete ownership of all in-game assets. While Pixelcraft builds the core game, it’s the incredible community of Aavegotchi fans that are able to directly impact the game’s development via AavegotchiDAO, our blockchain-based governance system.

Founded in 2020, Pixelcraft Studios is proud to be pioneering the future of gaming by putting the player first.

Pixelcraft Studios




DeFi-enabled Crypto Collectibles Collect, compete, and combine your Aavegotchis for the ultimate gamified DeFi experience! Powered by @aaveaave.