Aavegotchi Community Update #16

6 min readNov 27, 2020


Our most action-packed Community Update yet!

Hey frens, it’s been an exciting month with our first raffle completed and our second one just around the corner. All roads lead to Mainnet launch and we are getting close!

This week’s updates include:

  • Raffle #2 date + prizes confirmed
  • Aave invests in Pixelcraft Studios
  • OKex withdrawals reopen
  • Aavegotchi nominated twice at 2020 NFT Awards
  • Aavegotchi Wiki is live!
  • New Mission — The Hive Mind
  • Dev Update — Smart contracts almost ready for audit
  • Aaround the Block: Matic fest, HK blockchain week, and community fan fiction
  • We’re Hiring! — A game developer

Aave-themed wearables Raffle confirmed for December 8–11

Aanticipation has been building for the second raffle and hopefully you’re as excited as we are. This raffle’s wearables are inspired by the Aavengers Aave fam and their leadership team. Not all superheros wear capes, and in this case, some of DeFi’s greatest heroes tend to hold “REKT” signs and have boats as pets (that’s right, the Godlike Aave Boat wearable is technically equipped in the Aavegotchi’s “pet” layer!)

Have a look at the variety of ebic designs, all created by Aavegotchi Art Director, Xibot:

Aave takes stake in Aavegotchi’s Pixelcraft Studios

We couldn’t ask for a better partner in creating Aavegotchi than the DeFi giants at Aave. It’s been a long time coming and we’re so pleased to have the ink dry on their support of Aavegotchi’s core dev team, Pixelcraft Studios.

This further helps us align incentives and enjoy a huge brain gain from some of the sharpest minds in the space.

“…Aavegotchi brings new layers of composability within the Ethereum ecosystem. Your past savings experience on Aave unlocks ghost figure collectibles that can be equipped with wearables and consumables. I am positive that after the Aave earning experience, Aavegotchis will spread all over the rest of the DeFi.” — Stani Kulechov, CEO of Aave

We will, sers

OKex withdrawals have reopened

The digital assets exchange OKex has finally reopened withdrawals for all types of tokens on their platform. That means all who were stuck there and wishing to stake GHST to make FRENS are now able to do so!

Because of this situation, the core team dedicated all of our own FRENS toward winning the first raffle on behalf of those who were stuck. We are proud to have won and distributed 36 wearables vouchers to GHST x OKex depositors; the greatest prize being one of the Godlike Link Cubes!

Aavegotchi nominated twice at 2020 NFT Awards

We are ebicly humbled that the Aavegotchi Raffle Ticket has been nominated for not one but TWO categories for this 1st Annual NFT Awards program!

Winners in each category will be selected by the main judging panel and announced during a livestream on December 9.

Aavegotchi has an Official Wiki Now!

If you’re active in our aamazing Discord chat, you may have seen @coderdannn dropping hints about a new role available — the Aarchiver.

Aarchivers are a team of frens dedicated to writing and maintaining the open-source Aavegotchi Wiki hosted on Github — a central knowledge point for everything Aavegotchi, written and maintained by you, the Aavegotchi Fam!

Within hours of mentioning the role, we’d already assembled a stronk team of Aarchivers, and over the last week, our Aarchivers composed a wonderful first draft of the Wiki, with over 8800 words written as of this post.

We’ve even had translators volunteer to start translating the Wiki into Chinese and Korean!

(Want to translate the Wiki into your language? DM @coderdannn or @gldnxross in Discord!)

(Wanna flex your dev ski11z? Help us build out features on the Aavegotchi Wiki that will be seen by thousands of people! DM @coderdannn to see what needs to be done.)

Here’s some examples of great pages you can start browsing:

Rarity Farming https://wiki.aavegotchi.com/rarity-farming
Wearables https://wiki.aavegotchi.com/wearables
Aavegotchi Team https://wiki.aavegotchi.com/team

There’s already a small novel of content written about Aavegotchi!

However, our effort is only just getting started…

We need your help, loyal Aavegotchi Aagents!


This Week’s Mission — Hive Mind

You’ve read the litepaper…
You’ve invited countless frens
You’ve shilled relentlessly on Twitter…

You are the Elite. You are the 99.9999th percentile.

As an Aavegotchi Aagent, you know more about Aavegotchi than anyone else in the world.

It’s time to use that knowledge.

Our Aarchivers have worked tirelessly to build the Great Library of Aavegotchi.

Now, it’s time for you to pore through it, examining each sentence, each data point, to ensure its perfection.

The Wiki will be our first line of outreach against the multitudes — we must educate them. Nay, we must inspire them! It’s up to you, Aagent.

This week’s Mission, if you choose to accept it:

  1. Navigate to the newly-launched Aavegotchi Wiki at https://wiki.aavegotchi.com
  2. Pick a page that interests you (or a few) and read it thoroughly, with a Beginner’s Mind.
  3. Think to yourself, if I were just learning about Aavegotchi, would this make sense to me? Would it be helpful?
  4. Write down at least two constructive suggestions for edits to the Wiki into a text document. Make them as clear and detailed as possible. Make sure to include the page name your suggestions apply to.
  5. Screenshot your suggestions and send them into the #mission-report11📖 channel on Discord to claim your level up!

Here’s an example of a good screenshot:

Post your screenshot into mission-report11📖

Good luck, Aavegotchi Aagent!
(This message will not self-destruct in thirty seconds!)

Dev Updates

Coderdannn and Mudgen are working round-the-clock (literally, in two time zones!) to deliver the smart contracts in time for our audit, scheduled for early December.

Approximately 90% of the contract is finished — we are just finalizing some important details, such as kinship functionality, and allowing wearable sets to increase base traits. Once the contracts get sent off to audit, we’ll be pushing some new updates on Kovan testnet.

Aaround the Block

The World’s First Chainlink x Aavegotchi Fanfic

Anon and the Green Ticket is an aawesome fanfiction written by our community’s own Appellants (read more of Appellants’ work at Hackernoon).

The piece is inspired by the true story of a person entering a single Godlike ticket into the first raffle… and winning!

Coderdannn @ NFTFest Panel Discussion

CoderDan was invited to speak at the Matic Network organized NFT Fest this past week. The panel took place live in Matic’s discord channel and included frens from OpenSea, Terra Virtua, ZedRun, NFTfi and the one and only Matty aka @DCLBlogger.

Gldnxross @ Hong Kong Blockchain Week

Jesse (@gldnXross) helped kick-off Hong Kong Blockchain Week with a presentation on “Value-Staked NFTs” and a roundtable on DeFi & NFTs including OpenSea’s Devin Finzer and tokenization strategist Johvan Hartmann.

We’re Hiring! — A Game Developer

Pixelcraft recently launched a Linkedin page, and we celebrated with a hiring advertisement.

Would you love to make an honest living building 2D pixelated ghost games?

Can you craft javascript web games and architect multiplayer servers?

Do you want to be at the forefront of blockchain gaming?

If you answered HELL YEAH to those questions, then you should apply to join the Aavegotchi Dream Team, yo!

Blockchain / web3 experience would be great, but isn’t required. Follow Pixelcraft Studios on LinkedIn to see details and apply today.

That’s it for this week’s update!

Stay spooky fam,
Aavegotchi Team





Written by Aavegotchi

DeFi-enabled Crypto Collectibles Collect, compete, and combine your Aavegotchis for the ultimate gamified DeFi experience! Powered by @aaveaave.

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