Aavegotchi November Update

7 min readDec 3, 2021


Another month of non-stop shipping from the Aavegotchi team is in the books. Let’s have a look at what we accomplished in November!

November was another month full of milestones for #GotchiGang!

  • Land Sale #2 Dates Announced
  • 100% On-Chain Gotchi Lending Details Released
  • First Gotchiverse Land Raffle
  • New REALM Partners
  • Rarity Farming SZN 2 Continued
  • Aavegotchi at CoinGecko’s GeckoCon
  • 70k Twitter Frens
  • New Pixelcraft Studios Twitter Account
  • Minigame XP Event
  • 10 Millionth Blockday
  • Pixelcraft Studios Dev Highlights
  • Much Moar!

Land Sale #2 Dates Announced

The second Gotchiverse Land Sale began Thursday, December 2nd at 3pm UTC and ends Sunday, December 5th at 3pm UTC. Up for grabs this time around are 7,000 parcels in the Alpha-rich eastern portion of the Citaadel. As always, the sale will utilize the GBM Bid-to-Earn auction model allowing participants to earn GHST for being outbid by other users. All you need to participate are GHST tokens on Polygon Network, a web 3 wallet like Metamask, and gotchiverse.io in your browser’s URL.

Following the auction, an additional 3,000 REALM parcels will be available via a Chainlink VRF powered raffle, so be sure to stake your GHST and earn as many FRENS as possible! For moar information see our blog post here.

100% On-Chain Gotchi Lending Details Released

One of the biggest dilemmas that NFT games face is how to scale their player base to the levels of “traditional” games. To solve this, Aavegotchi introduced 100% on-chain Gotchi Lending. Keeping the entire process on-chain removes the human element and the middleman from the widely popular scholarship model and replaces it with a truly trustless system. Gotchi Lending will allow Guilds and individual Gotchi owners to passively earn with their Aavegotchis. The lender and renter agree to the terms of the rental including fee, split of Alchemica, and duration of rental. After the rental period concludes, the Alchemica is automatically split and the Gotchi is returned to its owner. For all the details on Gotchi Lending click here to read our blog post.

First Gotchiverse Land Raffle

The First Gotchiverse Land Raffle took place in early November. Up for grabs in the Raffle were 4,000 REALM parcels within the Citaadel. Over 400 GotchiGang members joined us live in the Aavegotchi Discord for an XP event celebrating the closing of the Raffle. Once it officially ended, they collectively kneeled to the aaltar of Chainlink VRF in hopes that the random number generator would grant them a prize! To check the results and claim any prizes you may have missed click here.

Welcome Ready Player DAO

We’re thrilled to welcome Ready Player DAO to the Gotchiverse as an official REALM Partner. Ready Player DAO’s revolutionary outlook on Play-to-Earn and the gaming industry will fit perfectly in the Gotchiverse. Like all REALM Partners, they will receive their own partner-sized parcel. For more information on the partnership read their announcement blog post here.

Welcome Crypto Gaming United (CGU)

In November we welcomed Crypto Gaming United (CGU) to the Gotchiverse as an official REALM partner. CGU’s investment encompasses multiple levels of the Aavegotchi ecosystem including REALM parcels, Aavegotchis, and Wearables. As an official REALM Partner they will also receive their own partner-sized parcel. For more details on the partnership, click here to read CGU’s announcement blog post.

Rarity Farming SZN 2 Continued

Rarity Farming SZN 2 continued on with snapshots for rounds 2 and 3 taken during November. During each snapshot over 11,000 Gotchis across three categories received 500,000 GHST ($1.1M). In total 1M GHST ($2.2M) was paid out in Rarity Farming rewards during November. The last Snapshot for Rarity Farming SZN 2 takes place on Tuesday, December 7th at 2pm UTC. Click here to check the current leaderboards.

Aavegotchi at CoinGecko’s GeckoCon

GotchiGang was stronk at CoinGecko’s GeckoCon! The 3-day NFT conference featured a special presentation of the Gotchiverse hosted by lead summoner gldnXross. Team members Gravy, Big Flex, Moon, and Mauvis spent time hanging out in the Aavegotchi themed lounge chatting with Gotchi veterans and newcomers alike. If you missed GeckoCon, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube as we’ll be uploading more Gotchiverse content soon.

70k Twitter Frens

GotchiGang continues to grow stronker and stronker! Our official Twitter account broke the 70k followers milestone last week. Thanks for all of your support, we truly have the frenliest community in crypto. If you haven’t already done so follow us on Twitter to receive updates on all things Aavegotchi.

New Pixelcraft Studios Twitter Account

We’ve launched an official Pixelcraft Studios Twitter account featuring a very fitting handle, @PixelcraftStuds. Follow Pixelcraft Studios on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest information on what the team is up to.

Minigame XP Event

Last week we held a minigame XP event for “Astegotchi,” a Gotchified take on the classic Asteroids arcade game. Gotchis placing in the top 100 on the leaderboard earned 15 XP, the top 500 earned 10 XP, and any Gotchi earning a score of 10,000 earned 5 XP. Be on the lookout for moar minigame XP events announced in the Aavegotchi Discord server. Click here to play Astegotchi now!

10 Millionth Blockday

The oldest Aavegotchis on Polygon celebrated their 10 millionth blockday last week! Congratulations and happy blockday to the oldest frens in GotchiGang. To check the age of your Gotchis, click here to view your Gotchi dashboard.

Pixelcraft Studios Dev Highlights

REALM Parcels Listed in Baazaar

You can now list your REALM parcels in the Aavegotchi Baazaar! To do this go to the “My REALM” page, approve the Aavegotchi contracts to list your parcels, and then click “List in Baazaar.” REALM parcels can be filtered by address, token ID, alchemica, district, and size. Finding your dream REALM parcel just got easier! Click here to browse the REALM Baazaar listings now.

New Browse Page

A new browse page has been added to the Auction DApp. You can now explore the entire Citaadel and see which district each parcel resides in. The new page also allows you to easily visualize the location of parcels you currently own. As you browse, be on the lookout for Gotchiverse easter eggs. You never know what you might find frens! Click here to explore the new browse page.

FRENS Task Force Adjustments

The FRENS Task Force’s first adjustment of FRENS emissions has been implemented. FRENS emissions for GHST-QUICK, GHST-USDC, and GHST-WETH are lower than before. This is because these pairs (especially GHST-QUICK) were out of sync with their targeted rates set by the community and were causing unnecessary FRENS inflation. Now that this first step has been completed, GotchiGang can look forward to more accurate FRENS rates and additional pools such as GHST-MATIC being added to the menu. Click here to see the adjusted FRENS emission rates.

Japanese Language Added to UI

The Aavegotchi UI has been translated to support Japanese! This is now our seventh language offering including English, Chinese Simplified, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, and German. We are working hard to add support for as many languages as possible! If you’d like to get involved and help us translate, please contact @TadasAnd in our Discord Server! To change your language settings on the Aavegotchi UI click here.

If you thought we shipped hard in November, wait until you see what we’ve got in store for December!

A Preview of December

  • Land Sale #2 (Dec. 2nd-5th)
  • Rarity Farming Season 2 Final Snapshot (Dec. 7th)
  • Land Raffle #2 (Dec. 10th-13th)
  • More Gotchiverse Details
  • …and much moar!

Stay spooky frens!

Aavegotchi Team




DeFi-enabled Crypto Collectibles Collect, compete, and combine your Aavegotchis for the ultimate gamified DeFi experience! Powered by @aaveaave.