Aavesome! Announcing an Aave-Themed NFT Raffle — Details + Prize List Inside

4 min readNov 25, 2020


Hey frens! Today we’re excited to reveal details for the second Raffle event leading up to the end-of-year arrival of Mainnet Aavegotchi! This Raffle starts December 8 and is dedicated to our superfrens at Aave, the blue chip leaders of all of DeFi.

This is the only time these epic Aavevengers superhero-themed NFTs will be minted, so don’t miss this historic opportunity to score some swag wearables for your Mainnet Aavegotchi!

Like our first Raffle, there is a 72 hour window to enter your raffle ticket NFTs into the raffle contract. On December 11, Chainlink’s random number generating oracle will be engaged and we’ll automatically learn who has won which items.

(No idea how to participate? Read this blog post explaining GHST staking!)

Now, let’s have have a gander at the variety of Aave- themed wearables up for grabs:

Aave Hero Set (Common, 1000 Each)

Aave Mask
Aave T-Shirt
Aave Plush Toy
Total: 3000

Captain Aave Set (Uncommon, 500 Each)

Captain Aave Mask
Captain Aave Suit
Captain Aave Shield
Total: 1500

Thaave Set (Rare, 250 Each)

Thaave Helmet
Thaave Suit
Thaave Hammer
Total: 750

Aave Marc Set (Legendary, 100 Each)

Marc Hair
Marc Outfit
Total: 300

Aave Jordan Set (Mythical, 50 Each)

Jordan Hair
Handsome Suit
Aave Flag
Total: 150

Aave Stani Set (Godlike, 5 Each)

Stani Hair
Stani Life Vest
Aave Boat
Total: 15


3000 + 1500 + 750 + 300 + 150 + 15 = 5,715 pieces

Frequently Aasked Questions

Q: What am I actually winning?

A: You’re winning an ERC1155 Voucher that will be fully convertible for an Aavegotchi wearable on Mainnet launch (est. late December). Just like tickets, the Voucher can be traded on OpenSea or other NFT marketplaces.

Visit our store on Opensea.

Q: How do I participate?

A: To participate in this Aave-themed Dec. 8–11 Raffle, you’ll need to stake your Tickets into the Raffle contract before December 11. Each Ticket is eligible to win a prize equivalent to its rarity level.

For example:
Aalice stakes 100 Common tickets. She is eligible to win up to 100 Common prizes listed above.

Bob, however, accumulates enough FRENS to purchase 10 Godlike tickets. He stakes all 10 Godlike tickets, which makes him eligible for up to 10 Godlike prizes.

Will he win them all? Probably not, because Caasper staked 100 Godlike tickets. Bob’s odds are in direct proportion to how many prizes are available and how many other tickets of the same rarity level have been staked.

Q: How do I claim my prize?

A: Once the Raffle is completed, winnings are automatically distributed. Log onto Aavegotchi to see if and what you won and then claim their prizes from the Raffle contract using our UI via a transaction.

Q: Am I guaranteed to win something?

A: Unlike other NFT mining games that give guaranteed, fixed rewards, we opted to use a lottery system. Why? Because it gives even small stakers a chance to win the rarest prizes.

In our last Raffle, one lucky participant won a Godlike LINK Cube with just a single Godlike ticket! Miracles do happen, frens.

That being said, with over 5,700 prizes being raffled, there’s a fair probability that most stakers will be able to win something, if they allocate their tickets properly.

Q: How many more Raffles will there be?

A: The Aave Raffle is the second of three pre-Mainnet raffle events. After Mainnet launch (slated for late December 2020) we also plan to periodically host additional Raffle events.

We believe loyalty should be rewarded, therefore those who continually stake their GHST long term will reap the benefits, so keep staking to make FRENS!

Q: What can I do with my newly won Vouchers?

A: Before Aavegotchi Mainnet launches, you can hold your Vouchers or trade them on NFT marketplaces like OpenSea. After we launch on Mainnet, you’ll be able to convert your vouchers into real Wearable NFTs that your Aavegotchi can equip. Besides just looking cool and showing off your early adopter clout, they also help increase the Rarity Score of your Aavegotchi and boost traits. This all helps you win more GHST via rarity farming (Coming Q1 2021).

Q: How do I participate?

A: Head to https://aavegotchi.com/stake-mainnet to begin staking GHST to earn FRENS. Then convert your FRENS into Tickets to enter into the Raffle on December 8–11.

Good luck, fren!




DeFi-enabled Crypto Collectibles Collect, compete, and combine your Aavegotchis for the ultimate gamified DeFi experience! Powered by @aaveaave.