Got FRENS? Raffle 5 Exclusive wearables revealed!

7 min readSep 17, 2021


18 brand new Wearables are up for grabs in the fifth edition of Aavegotchi Raffles

It’s Raffle time — a time-honored tradition where Gotchi whales and minnows alike kneel before the Aaltar of VRF for a chance to win the Wearable of their dreams. From common to Godlike, all wearables in Raffle #5 are completely new designs and will only be distributed via this event!

Are you staking GHST? Better yet, are you LPing with GHST? If the answer is yes, you’ve probably got a decent stack of FRENS points to convert to Raffle Tickets!

If the answer is no, you still have time to join. The raffle is open for anyone to enter their tickets from Friday 10am EST (2pm UTC) September 24 through September 27. On Monday at 10am EST, the raffle will conclude with an automated drawing powered by Chainlink’s random number generator and all winners will be revealed. At work on Monday? No worries, you can collect your winnings any time after the conclusion.

To participate, simply get yourself some Raffle Tickets. There are two ways:

  1. Stake GHST > make FRENS > convert to Raffle Tickets > enter Raffle
  2. Visit the Baazaar NFT Marketplace > buy Raffle Tickets > enter Raffle

This event follows the format of past wearables raffles by introducing six completely new sets. Each set has three unique wearables, making for a total of 18 distinct items that range across all rarity levels!

The six sets are inspired by some of Aavegotchi’s frenliest partnerships:

Unicly — The Aastronaut

This set references Aavegotchi’s first fractionalized collection of NFTs. The collection houses the first five Aavegotchi ERC721s to bridge from Polygon to Ethereum. This maiden journey earned the Unicly collection’s name “the Aastronaughts”. The collection also contains the Token ID #2 Haunt 1 Portal, the only closed portal to be bridged to Ethereum to date. The set is seen holding a UGOTCHI token, which is the ERC20 that represents the total 1 million shards. Unicly has recently announced its intent to open bridges for the uGOTCHI token to Polygon, making this a prime time to celebrate the collection’s success.

APY Vision — The Visionary

With Aavegotchi being the world’s first DeFi x NFT project, it should come as little surprise that we are partnering with the leading liquidity pool analytics solution, APY Vision. The multichain platform helps users find the most profitable liquidity pools, calculate performance, and track yield farming rewards in one place. The team was super enthusiastic in helping to design their “Up Only” theme and we suspect they will be living up to this message by revealing some additional powers for this set very soon 👀

CoinGecko — Geckogotchi

Aavegotchi and CoinGecko is like a match made in Gotchi heaven. The world’s largest independent cryptocurrency data aggregator recently announced a candies raffle where users can win one of 250 exclusive Aavegotchi Gecko Hats.

The response has been super positive but the question on everyone’s minds has been, “where is the rest of the set?”. We are pleased to reveal not two, but three more Gecko-themed pieces. Arranging the three piece set below earns you “Geckogotchi” set boosters while managing to equip all four pieces will boost your ghost to “Super Geckogotchi” status!

Lil Bubble — Bubbagotchi

Crypto satirist, graphic artist, and the provider of soundtracks to both bull and bear markets alike, Lil Bubble is also #gotchigang at heart. If you’re going to the moon, there’s no one better to fly with, and we’re thrilled to have him on board. His space suit wearables feature a Bitcoin-themed electric guitar that we suspect will be a popular feature in lots of future “remix sets.” Lil Bubble will be joining us live in our Discord for the exciting conclusion of the Raffle!

Dapp Radar — Radaar

Accurately tracking data for various dapps across multiple chains is not simple. Far from it! Aavegotchi’s layered onion of smart contracts, 721s, 1155s, marketplaces and auctions (to name a few) makes it even more convoluted. But the team at Dapp Radar have consistently delivered the most accurate information when it comes to all things Aavegotchi. That’s why we’re super thrilled to see an incredibly creative set inspired by their work. Do note that the “aantennae” is to be equipped via the pet slot. Rofl’s and Cacti will have their work cut out for them!

QiDao — Laozigotchi

Did you hear? GHST token is currently competing for listing as the next collateral for MAI token, Polygon’s native stablecoin. They recently hosted Aavegotchi for an AMA and it’s probably fair to describe the entire experience as eye opening for both sides. QiDao is the brainchild of @0xLaozi and is a DeFi protocol where users can start borrowing at 0% interest. This three piece set honors the founder while also rising to the occasion of what a Godlike set should be.

On Rarity and Trait Bonuses

Here’s a quick refresher before we jump into the specific rarity levels and trait boosters offered by each new wearable.

Aavegotchis have four traits that can be modified by wearables:

  • AGG = Aggressiveness
  • NRG = Energy
  • SPK = Spookiness
  • BRN = Brain Size

The traits of “Eye Color” and “Eye Shape” cannot be modified by wearables.

Note: Negative values do not mean the trait is getting “weaker”. Aavegotchi traits are distributed on a bell curve, so the extremes (0,1) and (99,100) are actually the best!

Equipping wearables affects two aspects of your Aavegotchi’s metadata:

  • First, it will affect the personality traits that exist on the above bell curve. You want to continually be pushing your Aavegotchi’s natural traits further to the extremes.
  • The second wearables’ effect is regarding Base Rarity Score (BRS). Each Aavegotchi has one BRS score that changes dynamically in accordance with its personality traits, equipped wearables and eye traits. The former two can be changed while the eyes always remain the same. So when you are considering what to win, keep in mind that the BRS boost is tied directly to each wearable’s rarity level. In this chart you can see that a common item will boost this score by +1 while a Godlike offers a dramatic +50 boost.

Behold — Raffle #5!

Each wearable brings its own trait boosters that also provide a “set bonus” when all three items are equipped together. Read more about sets in the wiki.

👇 Use the handy picture below as your guide during the Raffle event 👇

Ready, Set, Raffle!

The Raffle begins one week from today and lasts for 72 hours, so make sure you are staking GHST and earning FRENS to maximize your chances. You can’t win if you don’t enter, and even a single ticket can lead to life-changing results!

Good luck, and stay spooky frens!
Aavegotchi Team

About Aavegotchi

Aavegotchis are on-chain collectible ghosts staked with Aave’s interest-generating aTokens (known as maTokens on layer 2).

Compete for player rewards by earning XP, leveling up, and increasing the rarity of your Aavegotchi fren. Aavegotchi is governed by the AavegotchiDAO via the native eco-governance token GHST. Summon your first Aavegotchi and join the future of DeFi-staked NFT avatars! | Discord | Wiki | Medium | Twitter | | Telegram | Reddit

About Pixelcraft Studios

Pixelcraft Studios is the leading game development team committed to gaming with true ownership. We achieve this by leveraging blockchain technology to the benefit of the gamer.

Our flagship title is Aavegotchi, the groundbreaking DeFi x NFT crypto pets experience where participants have complete ownership of all in-game assets. While Pixelcraft builds the core game, it’s the incredible community of Aavegotchi fans that are able to directly impact the game’s development via AavegotchiDAO, our blockchain-based governance system.

Founded in 2020, Pixelcraft Studios is proud to be pioneering the future of gaming by putting the player first.

Pixelcraft Studios




DeFi-enabled Crypto Collectibles Collect, compete, and combine your Aavegotchis for the ultimate gamified DeFi experience! Powered by @aaveaave.